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iOS 16 - UIFindInteraction

iOS 16.0 beta 1 (20A5283p) 기준입니다.

iOS 16 부터 UIFindInteraction이 나왔습니다. 요약하면 UIFindInteraction는 검색 상태에 대한 컨트롤러 (present, dismiss, findNext, findPrevious 등), UIFindSession은 어떤 검색어가 검색됐는지, 어떻게 대체(replace)할 것인지가 있고 이는 반드시 subclassing을 해서 써야 합니다. 이를 subclassing해서 구현된 것으로는 UITextSearchingFindSession이 있습니다.

UITextView, UITextField에서는 findInteraction이 기본적으로 구현되어 있어서, presentFindNavigatorShowingReplace:만 호출하면 바로 검색 기능을 띄울 수 있습니다.

그러면 이걸 직접 커스텀을 해볼게요. TestFindView라는 Custom View를 아래처럼 만들어 볼게요.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface TestFindView : UIView
@property (retain, readonly, nonatomic) UIFindInteraction *findInteraction;

@interface TestFindView () <UIFindInteractionDelegate, UITextSearching>

@implementation TestFindView

- (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        UIFindInteraction *findInteraction = [[UIFindInteraction alloc] initWithSessionDelegate:self];
        [self->_findInteraction release];
        self->_findInteraction = [findInteraction retain];
        [findInteraction release];
    return self;

- (void)dealloc {
    [_findInteraction release];
    [super dealloc];

#pragma mark UIFindInteractionDelegate

- (UIFindSession *)findInteraction:(UIFindInteraction *)interaction sessionForView:(UIView *)view {
    UITextSearchingFindSession *session = [[UITextSearchingFindSession alloc] initWithSearchableObject:self];
    return [session autorelease];

- (void)findInteraction:(UIFindInteraction *)interaction didBeginFindSession:(UIFindSession *)session {

- (void)findInteraction:(UIFindInteraction *)interaction didEndFindSession:(UIFindSession *)session {

#pragma mark UITextSearching

- (void)performTextSearchWithQueryString:(NSString *)string usingOptions:(UITextSearchOptions *)options resultAggregator:(id<UITextSearchAggregator>)aggregator {

- (NSComparisonResult)compareFoundRange:(UITextRange *)foundRange toRange:(UITextRange *)toRange inDocument:(UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)document {
    return NSOrderedSame;

- (NSComparisonResult)compareOrderFromDocument:(UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)fromDocument toDocument:(UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)toDocument {
    return NSOrderedSame;

- (void)decorateFoundTextRange:(UITextRange *)range inDocument:(UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)document usingStyle:(UITextSearchFoundTextStyle)style {

- (void)clearAllDecoratedFoundText {

- (void)willHighlightFoundTextRange:(UITextRange *)range inDocument:(UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)document {

- (void)scrollRangeToVisible:(UITextRange *)range inDocument:(UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)document {

- (UITextRange *)selectedTextRange {
    return nil;

- (UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)selectedTextSearchDocument {
    return @"";

- (void)replaceFoundTextInRange:(UITextRange *)range inDocument:(UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)document withText:(NSString *)replacementText {

- (void)replaceAllOccurrencesOfQueryString:(NSString *)queryString usingOptions:(UITextSearchOptions *)options withText:(NSString *)replacementText {

- (BOOL)shouldReplaceFoundTextInRange:(UITextRange *)range inDocument:(UITextSearchDocumentIdentifier)document withText:(NSString *)replacementText {
    return YES;


대충 이렇게 만들어보고… presentFindNavigatorShowingReplace:를 호출해보면

libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Unable to find scene component for presenting find navigator. Is the view the find interaction is attached to in the view hierarchy?(View: (null), Window: (null), Scene: (null))'
terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException


UIFindInteraction은 자기가 속한 View를 알 수 없어서, UIScene을 찾을 수 없다는 뜻 같네요. 생각해보니 UIFindInteraction에 View의 정의를 안 넣어줬으니 당연한 결과이긴 하네요…

근데 Documentation을 아무리 읽어봐도 이걸 넣어주는 기능이 없네요. 그러면 대체 scene 정의를 어떻게 하라는건지…??? UITextView 같이 기본적으로 UIFindInteraction을 지원하는 View는 잘 되는 걸 보아 분명 방법이 있을텐데요. 혹시나 하는 마음에 +[UIFindInteraction _shortMethodDescription]을 해보면

(lldb) expression -l objc -O -- [UIFindInteraction _shortMethodDescription]
<UIFindInteraction: 0x1e52788d0>:
in UIFindInteraction:
    Class Methods:
        + (void) _setGlobalFindBuffer:(id)arg1; (0x18a9a3f28)
        + (id) _globalFindBuffer; (0x18a9a3f38)
        @property (readonly, nonatomic, getter=isFindNavigatorVisible) BOOL findNavigatorVisible;
        @property (readonly, nonatomic) UIFindSession* activeFindSession;  (@synthesize activeFindSession = _activeFindSession;)
        @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString* searchText;  (@synthesize searchText = _searchText;)
        @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString* replacementText;  (@synthesize replacementText = _replacementText;)
        @property (copy, nonatomic) ^block optionsMenuProvider;  (@synthesize optionsMenuProvider = _optionsMenuProvider;)
        @property (readonly, weak, nonatomic) <UIFindInteractionDelegate>* delegate;  (@synthesize delegate = _delegate;)
        @property (readonly, weak, nonatomic) UIView* view;  (@synthesize view = _view;)
        @property (readonly) unsigned long hash;
        @property (readonly) Class superclass;
        @property (readonly, copy) NSString* description;
        @property (readonly, copy) NSString* debugDescription;
    Instance Methods:
        - (void) didMoveToView:(id)arg1; (0x18a9a3fb0)
        - (id) delegate; (0x18a9a489c)
        - (id) view; (0x18a9a4858)
        - (void) willMoveToView:(id)arg1; (0x18a9a3fac)
        - (void) .cxx_destruct; (0x18a9a48c8)
        - (id) initWithSessionDelegate:(id)arg1; (0x18a9a3f44)
        - (id) replacementText; (0x18a9a465c)
        - (void) setReplacementText:(id)arg1; (0x18a9a46a0)
        - (void) _sendDelegateDidBeginFindSession; (0x18a9a3fbc)
        - (void) _sendDelegateDidEndFindSession; (0x18a9a4054)
        - (id) _createActiveFindSessionIfNecessary; (0x18a9a40ec)
        - (id) _findNavigatorSceneComponent; (0x18a9a41f0)
        - (void) presentFindNavigatorShowingReplace:(BOOL)arg1; (0x18a9a424c)
        - (void) dismissFindNavigator; (0x18a9a43b4)
        - (id) _currentFindNavigatorController; (0x18a9a43fc)
        - (void) updateResultCount; (0x18a9a4448)
        - (void) findNext; (0x18a9a4488)
        - (void) findPrevious; (0x18a9a44cc)
        - (BOOL) isFindNavigatorVisible; (0x18a9a4510)
        - (id) searchText; (0x18a9a4548)
        - (void) setSearchText:(id)arg1; (0x18a9a458c)
        - (id) searchableObject; (0x18a9a4770)
        - (void) setSearchableObject:(id)arg1; (0x18a9a47d4)
        - (void) _presentFindNavigatorShowingReplace:(BOOL)arg1; (0x18a9a4854)
        - (id) activeFindSession; (0x18a9a4884)
        - (^block) optionsMenuProvider; (0x18a9a488c)
        - (void) setOptionsMenuProvider:(^block)arg1; (0x18a9a4894)
(NSObject ...)

내부적으로 _view라는 ivar가 존재하는데 아마 UIInteraction.view와 synthesize하는 의도같네요. 한 번 KVC으로 강제로 주입해 볼게요.

@implementation TestFindView

- (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        UIFindInteraction *findInteraction = [[UIFindInteraction alloc] initWithSessionDelegate:self];
        [findInteraction setValue:self forKey:@"_view"];
        [self->_findInteraction release];
        self->_findInteraction = [findInteraction retain];
        [findInteraction release];
    return self;


이렇게 하니까 잘 되긴 하는데…

뭔가 이상해서… 일단 내려놓고 10시간 정도 지나니 머릿속으로 addInteraction:이 갑자기 떠올라서…

@implementation TestFindView

- (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        UIFindInteraction *findInteraction = [[UIFindInteraction alloc] initWithSessionDelegate:self];
        [self addInteraction:findInteraction];
        [self->_findInteraction release];
        self->_findInteraction = [findInteraction retain];
        [findInteraction release];
    return self;


이렇게 하니 되네요 -_-; 이 기본적인게 생각이 안 나서 KVC까지 써가면서 개뻘짓…